Why Your Resolutions Aren’t Working!?

If you’ve already made your New Year’s resolutions, you’ve made them too early.

As the year begins to unfold, many of us feel caught in the New Year’s surge, like a rush to start the new year right. Everyone’s in some sort of rat race to get where they want to go and be who they want to be. Everyone seems to be rushing for some finish line, an invisible magnetic boundary that determines how successful you are once again in another year of the game of life.

People are waking up earlier, working out harder, studying more, working longer hours, constantly motivating themselves to be better, do better, and live better than they did last year. Yet as everyone rushes towards that fine line that separates their new year self from their past year self, it seems like everyone is getting worn out quicker, feeling more frustrated, or draining their energies faster than they can replenish them.

It’s February and already everyone who leaped forward in that rat race, and I say this not because it is literally the year of the rat, are finding themselves almost depleted of the energy and drive that is supposed to carry them through the next ten and a half month to come! Where did we go wrong?

Making resolutions too early

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with making resolutions. I, however, personally don’t. It’s a simple case of “why do I need New Year’s resolutions when I constantly create mine throughout the year.”

I’ve found resolutions made at the start of each year to quickly die down, along with the enthusiasm to follow them through. Motivation tapers barely a month in and inspiration switches directions as quickly as the wind.

The biggest problem with New Year’s resolutions is that they’re made without knowing what the new year brings. Those who resolved to travel more are now canceling flights because we are plagued by viruses and diseases that sprung out of nowhere. For some, the resolution of living healthier lives and exercising more are halted because they can no longer venture out in such bad weather. Others who want to make more money and save more find themselves spending truckloads on new insurance policies, better education, medical bills, paying off the debt they incurred over the holidays, and so much more.

As each new year unfolds, the initial weeks are backlogged with thoughts and emotions from the festive season. It’s easy to get motivated and excited about a new goal or resolution. As reality kicks in and life goes back to normal, people finally settle down from traveling, and daily habits grow stale, your desire to achieve and fulfill your once-exciting resolutions naturally die down with you.

As businesses start the new year, goals and objectives get realigned depending on economic and market circumstances. Things change even in February. It’s not uncommon for a company to change course if they suddenly find more favorable conditions to pursue something else.

The new year is a volatile time for everyone. Adjusting to a new year is no easy feat. Many times January is like a trial period meant to test the waters and give you a head start to what you can expect for upcoming months.

Create and adapt your resolutions

Now that you’ve got a glimpse into what the year has in store, at least for the next few months, you are in prime position to make your resolutions. Set your goals and determine an outcome. But always be flexible to adjusting and editing these as the year unfolds for you never know what might happen.

Maybe that workout plan isn’t so great for you after all with your new work schedule. Perhaps you didn’t gain that many pounds over the holidays and you can focus your time on something more important. Maybe your child has suddenly seemed to need more help in homework or more attention after school and that hobby of yours needs to be put on the back burner.

We often set goals based on what we want to achieve without considering external factors and circumstances that might affect what we want. Holiday mode is not the best time to set these resolutions. Staying grounded and seeing reality for what it really is are important factors to creating your resolutions.

And honestly for them to truly be achieved, resolutions need to be constantly reconsidered and re-evaluated. This is why New Years resolutions do not work. Wait a month or so into the new year before deciding what it is you truly want. And honestly, If you just set them, use them as guides and be flexible and willing to set new goals each month or two.

Efficiency. Not fantasy.

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